Tiny Dog Overwhelmed with Joy as She Reunites with Her Owner After Two Long Years


Separation anxiety is a common issue that can develop for a variety of reasons, leading to several negative effects.

It’s no surprise that dogs often struggle with this condition, given their deep bonds with their owners. When separated, they can face significant emotional distress.

However, when reunited, the joy a dog feels can be overwhelming. Below, we illustrate just how profound that happiness can be.

This Much Happiness Was Simply Too Much For The Pup

dog lying on the side of the couch
Source: @rebeccasvetina

Rebecca Svetina deeply adored her little Schnauzer and rarely left her side. Consequently, her dog, Casey, became highly attached, making separations difficult.

Unfortunately, life’s unpredictability sometimes forces painful goodbyes.

This was true when Rebecca had to leave her home in Murrysville, Pennsylvania, cross the border, and temporarily part ways with her beloved dog.

Even though Casey was well cared for, she felt a significant void, as a dog’s universe is centered around its owner.

To complicate matters further, Rebecca was away for a full 2 years, equating to around 14 years from a dog’s perspective.

Eventually, after a long wait, Rebecca returned home to reunite with her best friend. Just imagining that moment was likely unimaginable for her.

The moment was incredibly emotional, almost defying description. Upon seeing Rebecca, Casey dashed into her arms so forcefully that Rebecca nearly stumbled.

Casey was unable to control her excitement, bouncing around and howling in a way that seemed like a joyful cry.

Overwhelmed with joy, Casey briefly fainted but quickly regained her senses and resumed her enthusiastic welcome for the person she missed dearly.

None of the gathered observers—and certainly not Rebecca—could remain unmoved by the scene, with at least a few tears of joy shed.

Fortunately, a bystander captured this heartfelt reunion on video, allowing the world to witness the essence of a dog’s deep affection.

Although It Divided The Internet, Everyone Was Enthralled By The Scene

The heartwarming reunion in Rebecca’s backyard captured the attention of countless people online.

The video she uploaded to her YouTube channel quickly garnered millions of views and sparked interest among major media outlets.

Numerous well-known publications, including ABC News, Times Of India, Independent, and Daily Mail, reported on the touching moment.

This emotional reunion resonated with viewers not just in the United States but globally. Reactions were mixed, with some questioning the dog’s behavior.

“That looked more like a seizure to me,” and “My dog did that… and never got up,” commented one observer.

“I felt bad laughing, but watching that, you can’t help but chuckle,” remarked Caryn Charlie Liles, a trainer and owner at Whatta Pup! in Toronto, as noted by The Globe And Mail.

However, most viewers overlooked the criticism, agreeing that this was one of the most heartfelt and touching encounters ever witnessed between a dog and its beloved human.

Subsequent veterinary examinations confirmed that Casey was in perfect health, disproving any concerns over her condition—her fainting was purely a reflection of overwhelming joy.

It was an undeniable display of love for her human.

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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