Skittish Pup Hiding Under a Chair Begins to Experience Love and Trust


It breaks my heart to think about the harsh treatment that some people inflict on loyal and beloved dogs.

Gracie was a sweet young dog who should have experienced a life full of happiness, but unfortunately, ruthless breeders took that opportunity from her.

Upon her rescue by Animal Control, Gracie was so frightened that she couldn’t even make eye contact with anyone. She trembled uncontrollably.

After arriving at the shelter, Gracie struggled to acclimate to the cacophony around her, longing to hide away in the shadows.

The shelter staff were heartbroken, wishing for Gracie to learn how to enjoy life like any dog should.

Assisting Gracie in Healing

The team was thrilled when a family chose to adopt Gracie.

However, once in her new environment, Gracie remained plagued by her fears and spent most of her time cowering in her crate.

Ultimately, her family made the difficult decision to return her to the shelter.

Once again, Gracie felt overwhelmed and frightened in the noisy shelter.

Fortunately, Labor of Love Transport Rescue, a foster-based organization dedicated to saving dogs from shelters in western North Carolina and upstate South Carolina, took Gracie in after learning about her situation.

The rescuers were filled with sadness upon meeting Gracie, who bore a forlorn expression and kept her head lowered.

two dogs under table
Source: Andrea Roubal

Gracie would get so frightened whenever the rescuers approached her that she would urinate in fear.

The little dog would shy away from any interaction. She often hid under furniture, searching for a safe haven.

The rescuers yearned to give Gracie love and mend her shattered spirit, yet they understood the importance of patience. 

Discovering How to Be a Dog

Gracie transitioned through a few foster homes before landing with a family that truly understood her.

Her new fosters allowed her the time she needed to settle in. They were optimistic that they could win her trust.

Not being accustomed to human affection, Gracie tried to make herself as small as possible to avoid detection.

Gradually, her foster family dedicated more time to her, providing the love she had been deprived of.

Over time, Gracie began to understand that her foster family wanted to help her, and she started to trust them.

The foster family celebrated as they witnessed Gracie making significant strides in her recovery.

“She now communicates when she needs to go outside or just wants to watch the other dogs play. Her demeanor has shifted from one of constant fear to one of relaxation and contentment,” Labor of Love Transport Rescue shared in a Facebook post.

Looking Forward to a Brighter Future

Gracie took delight in watching other dogs as they played, although she wasn’t yet ready to participate.

Her fear of humans dissipated, and she began to appreciate their company. The moment her fosters were able to pet Gracie for the first time brought immense joy to them.

Her rescuer and foster family remained hopeful that Gracie would continue her journey of healing and start to truly enjoy her life.

Gradually, Gracie began to act more like a typical dog. She cherished long hikes with her fosters, happily wagging her tail and grinning as she drank in the beauty surrounding her.

Gracie’s rescuers understand that she still needs to conquer her final fears, yet they take great pride in her accomplishments thus far.

It is my sincere wish that Gracie’s heart fully mends and that she finds the joy and love she truly deserves.

Jeremy Anderson
Jeremy Anderson
Jeremy Anderson is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience in digital publishing. As Editor-in-Chief of Doggy Diary, he leads a small dedicated team delivering insightful, engaging content for dog enthusiasts. Jeremy’s passion for storytelling and expertise in pet journalism ensures Doggy Diary remains a trusted resource for dog owners everywhere

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