He found himself on the street, confused and heartbroken, as he watched his owner’s car slowly disappear into the distance. Why are they leaving without me? Are they coming back? Am I now truly alone in this world? The racing thoughts were a mystery, but one thing was clear: Cody felt scared and abandoned. Deep down, he knew he was being left behind by the people he trusted.
His Eyes Told The Whole Story

Witnesses from a nearby industrial area in Southern California were appalled as they saw Cody being cruelly discarded from a moving car, his shocked demeanor reflecting the heartlessness of the moment. The drivers didn’t even glance back as they drove away, abandoning him completely.
The workers immediately contacted Suzette Hall, a long-time rescuer and founder of Logan’s Legacy in Irvine, California. In a https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=476&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fsuzette.hall.3158%2Fvideos%2F1536393130564775%2F&show_text=false&width=267&t=0" width="267" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share" class="" loading="lazy post, Hall shared:
“A little pocket pity, tossed out of a moving car yesterday at 6 P.M. Employees in the industrial area saw it happen. His sad eyes told his whole story and broke our hearts in half.”
Cody’s sorrow was palpable as he curled up by the road, as if trying to forget the devastating scene he had just endured. He was caught between heartbreak and a glimmer of hope that his humans might return, but sadly, they never did.

Suzette and her team acted swiftly, but Cody was too frightened to approach them at first; he had lost trust in people. However, Hall understood that gentle words and tasty treats could help heal his broken heart. After some time spent luring him into a humane trap, she successfully captured him, allowing this sweet, sad boy to start a new journey.
Cody’s Hope Is Back

In a challenging environment, gaining the trust of a traumatized dog is no small feat. Yet, Hall and her team managed to help Cody rediscover hope. They gave him a name and a new home, allowing him to feel safe in someone’s lap for the first time since being abandoned. With each gentle pat, he started to heal.
Thanks to Hall’s friend Genavie, Cody found a loving foster home where he thrived, quickly transforming into a happier dog. His sad eyes sparkled with joy, reflecting the love he received. Hall noted in an update: “She has mended his broken heart and turned his sad eyes into glowing stars.”

Now, Cody is savoring his time with his new foster mom, taking the necessary time to heal from the trauma of abandonment. He has already shown significant improvement and is grateful for the love in his new home. I am confident that when the right family comes along, Cody will bring immense happiness to them. He truly is the sweetest boy ever!