Pennsylvania Owners Stunned to Discover Their Dog Devoured $4,000 in Cash


Meet Cecil, the seven-year-old Goldendoodle sensation from Pittsburgh who became an instant global star. Ever wondered what it takes to become famous overnight? Just ask Cecil; he’s got all the secrets. Also, he’s been a good boy his entire life – until he pulled off the stunt of devouring $4,000 in cash!

Cecil Is A Good Boy

cute dog on snow
Source: @ooolalaw

According to Cecil’s owners, Clayton and Carrie Law, he has always been well-behaved and brought joy to their lives since he was a puppy. Yet, he has quite the expensive taste, which surprised his family recently. When Clayton and Carrie decided to install a new fence, they withdrew $4,000 in cash. They left a sealed envelope full of money on their kitchen counter for just a moment, but before they could put it away, Cecil got to it first.

About half an hour later, Clayton entered the room and was utterly shocked to find the kitchen in disarray, with tiny shreds of money scattered across the floor. Stunned, he shouted to his wife about what Cecil had done.

“I ran in, thinking I had to have heard him wrong, but when I saw the mess, there was no doubt,” Carrie told The Washington Post. “I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Cecil had really done it.”

Interestingly, Cecil had never been food motivated, yet he seemed to have a taste for money. The couple immediately contacted their vet to ensure Cecil’s well-being after the unexpected cash feast. Fortunately, since Cecil was acting normal – eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom as usual – the vet assured them he would be fine.

‘Money Laundering’ At Its Finest

ripped money
Source: @ooolalaw

With Cecil’s health confirmed, the couple needed to salvage the money. They called their bank, and the manager informed them that as long as they could reconstruct the bills with over 50% of the pieces and provide the full serial number on both sides, the bank would replace the money.

The only way to retrieve the pieces was not quite pleasant; over the next few days, they sifted through Cecil’s vomit and poop to salvage as many fragments of cash as they could.

“I never thought I’d be able to say I’ve laundered money, but there is apparently a first time for everything,” Carrie remarked.

Despite the trauma, Carrie and Clayton found humor in the situation. Surprisingly, the bank manager relayed that incidents like this happen more often than expected, as money changes hands and collects various scents that many dogs find appealing.

After meticulously cleaning and piecing together the money, the couple managed to recover almost $3,500.

ripped of money by dog
Source: @ooolalaw

“We kept at least one of the torn-up bills to create a piece of artwork and frame it to commemorate this whole situation. Not that we’ll ever forget,” Carrie said. Despite the drama, they still firmly believe that Cecil is an exceptional and beloved dog.

woman sitting next to dog
Source: @ooolalaw

“You can’t really blame an animal for what they do. They’re not doing it maliciously. We’ve been laughing about it pretty much since that day,” Carrie told Good Morning America.

Carrie shared the story on Instagram, accompanied by videos and photos detailing the entire process, which quickly went viral, making Cecil a remarkably famous dog.

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Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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