Owners Were Astounded to Discover They Took Home the Wrong Dog from Daycare


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you couldn’t tell your own dog apart from another in a bustling crowd?

Surprisingly, these mix-ups occur quite often, oftentimes leading to amusing scenarios.

In this tale, we explore one particular incident where dog owners inadvertently took home the wrong dog from daycare, only to realize their mistake afterward.

Whose Dog Is This!?

people brought dog home
Source: TikTok

In October 2023, a viral video surfaced on TikTok. It captured a couple who seemed puzzled about their dog’s identity.

In the clip, a man sits on the couch when he notices something unusual about the dog they had brought back from daycare.

He notices that the dog’s nose is different from that of their dog, Millie. The woman then inspects the dog closely and realizes it truly isn’t hers.

One viewer commented that they were first-time puppy parents, which might explain their difficulty in recognizing Millie.

The woman started scrolling through pictures on her phone to compare them with the dog.

However, the man pointed out a detail about the dog’s tail, stating that it had a white tip, indicating it was not their dog.

How Did This Happen?

black dog with toys
Source: TikTok

The pressing question is, how did this happen in the first place? It turns out that some daycare facilities may have a policy where they remove dogs’ collars overnight.

This practice is meant to prevent dogs from chewing on their collars.

The video uploader clarified: Millie is a new addition to the family, and the daycare takes off the collars and replaces them when you come to pick them up.

This led to another dog being given Millie’s collar, as they thought it was her…

black dog sitting on the floor
Source: TikTok

After this amusing incident, the woman promptly contacted the daycare to arrange for Millie’s return.

The issue was swiftly resolved, and the dog was returned to her rightful owners.

The video received overwhelmingly positive feedback, with many viewers finding the whole situation amusing and were relieved that it ended well.


🐾My sister picked up her dog from daycare and I can’t stop laughing. that’s not my dog! @Melloday275 #dog #doggiedaycare

♬ original sound – SouleReport

Jeremy Anderson
Jeremy Andersonhttps://doggydiary.net
Jeremy Anderson is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience in digital publishing. As Editor-in-Chief of Doggy Diary, he leads a small dedicated team delivering insightful, engaging content for dog enthusiasts. Jeremy’s passion for storytelling and expertise in pet journalism ensures Doggy Diary remains a trusted resource for dog owners everywhere

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