Owners Ask California Vet to Euthanize Their Senior Poodle, Claiming ‘He’s Not Smart’


Human cruelty can be unfathomable, especially towards the innocent furry creatures meant to bring us joy. How can people be so cruel? I may never understand. My heart breaks again while sharing the story of a little dog named Figgy.

Escaping The Cruelty

a woman holds a poodle in her arms
Source: Facebook

At the age of 18, a Toy Poodle known as Figgy was brought to a vet for euthanasia. This little black dog, who was blind and toothless, yearned for love in his final days but was instead left alone, terrified and abandoned. When staff asked the owner for the reason behind his euthanization, the cold reply was, “He’s stupid.” Shockingly, the staff decided against euthanizing him after seeing his condition.

information printed about the poodle
Source: thedodo

Upon examining Figgy, the clinic staff discovered he was arthritic, blind, and toothless, yet relatively healthy for an 18-year-old dog. There was no justification for putting him down.

A Second Chance At Happiness

cute poodle wrapped in a blanket
Source: Youtube

The vet clinic reached out to Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco, who immediately took Figgy under their wing. Given Figgy’s health and past hardships, Sherri Franklin, the founder of the rescue, welcomed him into her home. “He was a total love bug, curling up in my armpit at night. I adored him,” Franklin shared with The Dodo. Miraculously, within four days, Figgy found his forever home.

two smiling women are holding a poodle in their arms
Source: Facebook

Eileen, an experienced hospice owner, reached out urgently when she learned about Figgy. She felt he was perfect in every way, unlike his previous owners. “He’ll be our fifth hospice angel,” she remarked to The Dodo. Figgy was finally home—safe, warm, and deeply loved. His remaining days would be filled with compassion and care.

“I couldn’t help but think these precious angels have given their loyalty to humans all their lives, and they certainly don’t deserve to die alone in a shelter. They deserve love, comfort, and security for however much time they have left, and I knew I could provide that,” Eileen expressed.

We are overjoyed that this sweet, elderly gentleman has finally found his forever home, where he will be cherished until the very end.

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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