Dogs are often underestimated when it comes to emotional depth. Many people overlook their capacity to feel various emotions, and some even choose to act cruelly, leaving these loyal companions in distressing situations, resulting in uncertainty and broken hearts.
One such victim was Mudder, a soon-to-be momma dog, who was heartlessly tossed from a car in a Missouri park, with her owner failing to look back.
The Most Shocking Text Message

The Stray Rescue of St. Louis has encountered many heartbreaking situations, but they were left in shock when a compassionate passerby sent them a text about Mudder.
“Hi Stray Rescue. I just saw this dog get dumped. I’m pretty sure she’s pregnant. Can you help her?” the message read.
Immediate action was taken. A team of rescuers led by Donna Lochmann went to the park, which was known for such cruel acts. What they found was particularly distressing.

Donna and the team found Mudder near the Mississippi River, visibly anguished by her abandonment, covered in mud from the rain. However, despite her distress, she exhibited a gentle nature, showing remarkable resilience by opening her heart to the rescuers. Mudder quickly warmed to Donna and the team, allowing them to place a leash on her.

Her owner’s cruel actions couldn’t completely erase the inherent trust Mudder still possessed. Fortunately, the passerby managed to capture a photo of the license plate belonging to Mudder’s abuser. Stray Rescue is now collaborating with local law enforcement to hold the responsible party accountable, but their primary focus is on ensuring Mudder’s well-being.
She Needs Someone To Help Her Start A New Chapter

Mudder’s next ride with the compassionate team was much more comfortable. Safely positioned on the passenger seat, she clearly enjoyed the change, even allowing her rescuers to take a cute photo marking the beginning of a new chapter in her life.
The pressing question remains—how long will it take for someone to open their home to her?

Mudder will ideally require a foster to navigate her pregnancy successfully. “Now she’s safe with us, but she needs a foster home to complete her pregnancy, give birth, and nurse her puppies in peace,” noted SRSL in their video post.
Once she settles in her new home, Mudder is sure to reveal her delightful personality. I trust she will have much to offer once her journey as a momma is complete!