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<p>After encountering Skipper, you’ll think: <em>Now, I’ve seen it all.</em> Having observed plenty of unusual dogs—pups with tails on their foreheads, extra ears, and more—I thought I had seen it all. But six legs? That was a real surprise!</p>
<p>When Skipper came into this world as an Aussie-Border Collie mix, many professionals anticipated significant issues due to her unique condition. However, much to everyone's surprise, Skipper emerged as a healthy and vibrant pup, simply in need of a loving home.</p>
<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-a-pup-named-miracle">A Pup Named Miracle</h2>
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<img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="1080" height="1080" src="https://www.Doggy" alt="puppy lying down on his back" class="wp-image-111115" >
<img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="1080" height="1080" src="https://www.Doggy" alt="puppy lying down on his back" class="wp-image-111115 lazyload" data-pin-media="https://www.Doggy" id="mv-trellis-img-2" loading="lazy" data-trellis-processed="1">
<figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Source: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-lasso-id="867141">@skippys.journey</a></figcaption>
<p>The staff at <a data-lasso-id="867142" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Neel Veterinary Hospital</a> in Oklahoma City will always remember the day Skipper was born, as all of her eight siblings were distinctly different. Skipper was <strong>special from the very beginning.</strong> Sadly, her mother rejected her, a common reaction when animals perceive a pup as different, but Skipper, also known as <em>Miracle</em>, defied the odds from just days old.</p>
<p>According to a statement from the Neel Veterinary team on social media, Skipper was the first pup to be born alive with the following congenital conditions:</p>
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<p>“<em>She has a type of congenital conjoining disorder called monocephalus dipygus and monocephalus rachipagus dibrachius tetrapus, which means she has one head and chest cavity but two pelvic regions, two lower urinary tracts, two reproductive systems, two tails, and six legs, among other things. It is likely that she was going to have a littermate, but they didn't separate in utero. She also has signs of spina bifida along her spine.</em>”</p>
<p>Further examinations confirmed that, despite her astonishing condition, <strong>Skipper was a healthy dog.</strong> She felt no pain nor discomfort.</p>
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<img decoding="async" width="1080" height="1080" src="https://www.Doggy" alt="woman holding the miracle puppy in her hands" class="wp-image-111116" >
<img decoding="async" width="1080" height="1080" src="https://www.Doggy" alt="woman holding the miracle puppy in her hands" class="wp-image-111116 lazyload" data-pin-media="https://www.Doggy" id="mv-trellis-img-3" loading="lazy" data-trellis-processed="1">
<figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Source: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-lasso-id="867143">@skippys.journey</a></figcaption>
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<p>“She acts like a strong healthy puppy, so we want to give her the chance,” Dr. Neel stated. “It makes me so happy because she’s so strong! She’s kind of like the underdog, you know. You’re rooting for her.”</p>
<p>The cause of Skipper’s condition stems from a complex situation where two embryos didn't separate in the uterus. She isn’t a conjoined twin; rather, she possesses multiple features. Astonishingly, all six of her legs are functional!</p>
<p>However, following the public announcement of her birth, many people criticized the hospital, claiming that Skipper should not be alive and suggesting that she should be euthanized because <em>some pets aren’t meant to be saved.</em> In contrast, one compassionate individual embraced Skipper, despite her challenges and additional limbs.</p>
<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-skipper-s-journey-nbsp">Skipper’s Journey</h2>
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<img decoding="async" width="1080" height="1080" src="https://www.Doggy" alt="puppy named skipper lying down with a crown on his head" class="wp-image-111117" >
<img decoding="async" width="1080" height="1080" src="https://www.Doggy" alt="puppy named skipper lying down with a crown on his head" class="wp-image-111117 lazyload" data-pin-media="https://www.Doggy" id="mv-trellis-img-4" loading="lazy" data-trellis-processed="1">
<figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Source: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-lasso-id="867144">@skippys.journey</a></figcaption>
<p>Despite her mother's rejection, Skipper, Oklahoma City's most unique pup, found a family. She was adopted by a loving couple experienced in caring for dogs with special needs, and her journey was documented on social media to keep everyone updated on this remarkable little star.</p>
<p>However, as time passed, it became clear that Skipper’s condition was more severe than originally thought. After a month of adjusting to her new home, she was diagnosed with <strong>hydrocephalus</strong>, adding yet another challenge to her already complex medical situation, which required regular physical therapy and frequent checkups, including CT scans. Additionally, she struggled with swallowing puppy formula, often aspirating it into her lungs.</p>
<p>Skipper spent considerable time at <em>Neel Animal Hospital</em> receiving treatment for her numerous health issues, revealing that her condition was more fragile than initially believed. Her devoted humans worked tirelessly to raise funds for her treatments while ensuring she had the warmest and most loving home possible. They committed wholeheartedly to this tiny yet tenacious pup.</p>
<p>Tragically, nearly eight months after her birth, Skipper peacefully closed her eyes for the last time. The combination of her medical challenges proved too fatal.</p>
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<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1080" height="1079" src="https://www.Doggy" alt="puppy skipper looking at the camera while being held" class="wp-image-111120" >
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1080" height="1079" src="https://www.Doggy" alt="puppy skipper looking at the camera while being held" class="wp-image-111120 lazyload" data-pin-media="https://www.Doggy" id="mv-trellis-img-5" data-trellis-processed="1">
<figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Source: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-lasso-id="867146">@skippys.journey</a></figcaption>
<p>“We are so grateful for everyone who supported us and helped us give her the best life possible! She will always remain in our hearts,” Skipper’s owners expressed the morning she crossed the rainbow bridge. Skipper proved the doubts of many wrong, demonstrating resilience against the odds.</p>
<p>Rest in peace, dear Skipper. We know you’re finally running through lush green pastures, embraced by all the other pups as you should have been from the start.</p>
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