Oklahoma Police Respond to ‘Trapped Dog’ Call, But Their Discovery Was Unexpected


Being a police officer is not an easy job. It comes with many hardships and responsibilities, and during the day, they encounter unexpected situations. Occasionally, however, the job takes a humorous turn.

In one instance involving Oklahoma police officers, they received a call about a ‘trapped dog.’ With little information at hand, they were in for a surprise once they arrived on the scene. The family realized their dog had crawled under a shed while searching for something, but they were unable to get her out. They called the police, who, despite not being trained for animal rescue, agreed to help since they were not busy at that moment.

Was He Really Trapped?

Upon arriving, the officers heard the dog, named Bella, barking under the shed, indicating she was in distress. After considering their options and with the family’s consent, they decided to use a crowbar and a hammer to peel up the shed’s floor, revealing what was truly going on. Much to their surprise, Bella wasn’t alone; she was sharing her space with an opossum.

The officers gently separated the two, allowing the opossum to scurry away to freedom. However, Bella didn’t seem too pleased with her ‘rescue.’ Fortunately, everything concluded without injury, leaving the police officers amused as they helped a family in need.

Reactions On Facebook

Shortly after this amusing occurrence, the Oklahoma police uploaded the story on Facebook, where it garnered numerous reactions. One commenter shared, “As the mom of 3 Dachshunds, I know this look well. I get it whenever I spoil their fun!” Another remarked, “A few years ago one of mine went down a hole under the neighbor’s shed. The elderly neighbor called her son, who came over and shoveled her out.” The situation could have escalated quickly, showcasing the importance of neighborly assistance.

Lastly, someone else noted, “We have a family dachshund who also traps critters under a shed. Glad you and the opossum are safe, Bella.” While Bella may have had a short-lived adventure, it certainly provided a good laugh for everyone involved.

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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