Missouri Volunteers Stunned to Discover Struggling Dog Mom and Her Puppies Battling the Cold


Whether you’re a dedicated dog rescuer or simply a dog enthusiast, the journey of rescuing dogs can take you by surprise at any moment. This truth resonates with Donna Lochmann, Chief Life Saving Officer at Stray Rescue of St. Louis in Missouri.

One day, while surveying for dogs in need alongside her team, she encountered a heartbreaking sight: a mother dog lying on the frozen ground with her puppies, all of them huddled together next to an abandoned house, waiting for someone to rescue them.

They Desperately Needed Help

Donna and her colleague halted, realizing how cold it was outside, and that the mother dog was desperately trying to keep her puppies warm. It was evident they had endured freezing temperatures for an indefinite period.

In no time, Donna’s team quickly set a humane trap nearby, enticing the mother dog with tasty treats. Fortunately, the mother dog, clearly starving, stepped into the trap without hesitation and was secured swiftly.

Now it was time to rescue her puppies, who were hiding in a cramped crawl space. This made the process a bit challenging, but Donna and her team didn’t falter – they succeeded in saving all of them!

Knowing that all three puppies were boys, Donna gently collected them and placed them in the car beside their mother. Filled with joy, all three were plump and content, finally warm after their ordeal.

Meet Chipmunk And Her Boys

The sight of these three adorable pups was simply heartwarming. Named after their chubby nature, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore were welcomed into the shelter with immense affection.

The staff couldn’t contain their affection during their first encounter filled with cuddles and kisses – and for good reason!

But the good news doesn’t end there!

Shortly after being rescued, Chipmunk and her pups secured a foster home with a wonderful foster mom, ensuring they are warm and loved.

“We got the whole family out of the freezing cold, we had a foster hero ‘on deck’ ready to take them in – and these are the cutest, fattest puppies in the world! Meet Chipmunk and her boys, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore,” the Missouri rescue recounted in the YouTube video.

Momma Chipmunk and her puppies are embarking on a new journey, adapting to indoor life. When the time comes, all four will be ready for adoption.

For now, let’s take a moment to appreciate just how unbelievably cute and lovable these chunky puppies are! I know I can’t get enough of them!

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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