Kansas Family Astonished to Discover Their Rescued Dog Has a Rare Condition


A few years back, Lieschen O’Neill visited the Lawrence Humane Society in Kansas, initially just to browse. However, as she wisely noted, “nobody goes to the Humane Society just to look.” True to her observation, she soon found herself captivated by a dog, whom she named Belle, forever changing her life.

Belle is no ordinary rescue dog; her uniqueness makes her even more endearing.

Meet Belle

shelter dog named belle
Source: @bellebows4117

As Belle grew, her family started to notice that she looked a bit different, particularly around her eyes, giving her a permanently surprised appearance. Concerned, they took her to the vet, where they discovered that she had likely been stuck in the birth canal during delivery, causing some muscle development issues. Despite this, Belle is perfectly healthy.

“As a result, everything was kind of pulled back a little bit. So her eyes kind of look a little bit bug-eyed, but everything’s there and she’s totally fine,” said Belle’s mom in an interview with We Love Animals. Although Belle does require some prescription eye drops to keep her eyes moist, her unique appearance has only made her more loveable.

Unique And Beautiful

adopted bug-eyed dog
Source: @bellebows4117

On the day Lieschen visited the canine shelter, Belle was in her kennel and instantly rushed over, pressing her adorable face against the door. Her eagerness to be petted was undeniable. “She just jumped up in my lap, licked my face, and at that moment, we knew we were going home with Belle. It was a great day,” said Lieschen.

dog looking into the mirror
Source: @bellebows4117

Now, Lieschen and her family can hardly envision their lives without Belle, who has become a cherished part of their family. They consider her the best dog imaginable, reveling in her quirks and excellent companionship. One of Belle’s favorite pastimes is enjoying slippers.

“She adores slippers so much; she loves to carry them around. She will maybe pick up one slipper or two slippers, sometimes even three slippers and see how many she can get in her mouth and just carry them around,” Lieschen shared.

Belle is also a typical dog who enjoys treats, long naps, being pampered, and, of course, spending time with her family. You can follow her adventures on Instagram and TikTok.

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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