While strolling through the woods in Northern Virginia, a resident and her dog stumbled upon an unexpected surprise.
Enjoying their hike, the dog suddenly froze, clearly trying to alert its owner to something unusual.
Curious, she began to search the area around her dog’s focus point and was astonished to find a tiny creature, scarcely larger than a leaf.
This little creature was sleeping all alone on the forest floor.
Assisting an Animal in Distress

Concerned that the vulnerable baby could become a target for predators, she felt compelled to intervene. Her initial guess was that the creature was a young raccoon.
The little one started to stir, but his eyes remained shut, leaving him utterly defenseless.
Without hesitation, she reached out to FoxTales Wildlife Rehab, situated in Fauquier County, Northern Virginia.
Elizabeth Negron, the founder and rehabilitator at FoxTales, promptly responded. The woman explained the situation regarding the infant creature she found with her dog. Negron confirmed that it was indeed a baby raccoon.

To assess the next steps, Negron asked the woman several questions regarding the baby raccoon’s condition. After confirming that the little one was unharmed and could move, Negron devised a plan.
Negron believed that the raccoon’s mother was likely nearby. She instructed the woman to don some gloves, place the baby in a box lined with blankets to keep him warm, and to wait and see if the mother returned.
“Reuniting mom and baby is always [a] priority,” Negron stated in her conversation with The Dodo.
A Joyous Reunion

After several hours, the woman returned to check on the baby and was delighted to discover that the box was empty.
The dear little raccoon had been joyfully reunited with his mother. She quickly informed Negron, who was thrilled by this news.
“As much as I enjoy caring for the babies, and I truly do love what I do, there’s nothing more rewarding than knowing that a mother is alive and can take her baby back,” Negron shared.
According to Negron, baby raccoons rely on their mother and siblings during their initial development stages. Staying with their family is crucial for their happiness and well-being.
We are so happy that the little one found his way back to his loving mother.
A huge shoutout to the compassionate woman who contacted FoxTails Wildlife Rehab to help reunite the tiny baby with his mom.