Heartbroken Woman Discovers Tiny Dog Family Tightly Bound and Abandoned in a Plastic Basket


Every time I catch a glimpse of a vulnerable dog struggling to survive on its own, my heart breaks into countless fragments.

Yet, witnessing an entire family of dogs facing hardship is simply indescribable!

As reported by USA Today, approximately 10 million dogs sadly pass away each year due to abuse, neglect, or cruelty.

This incredibly heartbreaking statistic hits even harder when seen firsthand, providing a stark reminder of the difficult reality animal rescuers face.

One particularly tragic tale comes from California involving a dog mother and her puppies, hastily abandoned in a basket… just days away from facing the unimaginable!

A Heart-Wrenching Scene

white dog tied up
Source: Suzette Hall

A compassionate worker from an industrial sector came across a mother dog and her three puppies confined in a small plastic basket. Left tied together and deserted in one location, the dogs were exposed to the harsh environment.

It was evident that they had been abandoned by their former owner, left to face the streets without food or any shelter. Their only solace at that moment was each other’s presence.

This kind-hearted individual quickly reached out to Suzette Hall, a seasoned rescuer with Logan’s Legacy based in Irvine, California.

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“I was in total disbelief when I arrived. They were tied together in an industrial area. Just dumped. Did they honestly believe they could survive in those conditions?” Hall remarked on her Facebook.

Over her years of rescuing dogs from various dire circumstances, Hall has encountered many heart-wrenching stories. However, this particular situation was especially gut-wrenching!

three puppies in basket
Source: Suzette Hall

This remarkable woman did not hesitate for a moment and quickly set off to rescue this canine family from their basket.

To her astonishment, the dogs did not show any signs of aggression! Given their abandonment, it was reasonable to expect some fear or anger, but instead, they proved to be affectionate little companions!

They were simply thrilled to see someone reaching out to help. The mother even began to wag her tail as Hall neared her, speaking to her gently.

“Mama was wiggling her tail at my approach. I could see the little eyes gazing up at me from within the basket,” Hall shared.

Towards a Brighter Future

puppies in basket
Source: Suzette Hall

Once she gathered them from the ground, Hall introduced these furry companions to a new beginning!

Yet, their initial phase was not as glamorous as one might assume. Their time on the streets had severely impacted their health. The mother suffered from diarrhea and vomiting, and they were both infested with ticks!

“Poor mama is dealing with diarrhea and throwing up. Both the mother and puppies are covered in ticks. We’ve got a lot of tests to conduct for this little family,” Hall reported.

Currently, this family is under the care of medical professionals at Camino Pet Hospital in Irvine, California, until they regain their health. Once they are fully recovered, the puppies will be on the lookout for their forever home!

We can only hope that their new, exciting journey is just around the corner. They truly deserve all the happiness!

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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