From Despair to Delight: A Starving Dog’s Incredible Transformation


Animal cruelty remains an ongoing crisis affecting millions of dogs worldwide each year. While this horrifying behavior is legally punishable, effective methods for addressing and preventing it are still insufficient.

Witnessing dogs like Angel struggle for survival is heart-wrenching and raises difficult questions about humanity. Who could inflict such torment on a dog?

When she was rescued, this little pup from California weighed just 11 pounds. Her organs were on the verge of failure, and she seemed mere hours away from succumbing… then, an unexpected miracle occurred!

Fighting To Survive

A woman named Kay Buell found Angel in Palmdale, California, and brought her to Rescue From The Hart.

Upon arrival at RFTH, Angel was unable to walk. She was so frail that she couldn’t support her own weight. She was rushed to a medical facility where she received urgent care.

During her first few days, she scarcely consumed any food. She kept vomiting, as her weakened body was unable to process nourishment.

“When they offered her a tiny bit of food, she threw it back up because her body no longer had the power to digest food. She was receiving blood transfusions to help her body fight. She was severely emaciated and dehydrated,” RFTH posted on Facebook.

Angel received blood transfusions that aided her in continuing the fight. She was extremely dehydrated and emaciated, weighing less than half of the normal weight for her age.

Luckily, Angel was an incredible fighter. She never lost hope, even during the darkest moments, and just five weeks later, things began to improve!

Miraculous Transformation

In just one month, Angel managed to regain her strength. One day, while surrounded by her compassionate volunteers, she stood up and began eating treats they offered her.

This was a pivotal moment for Angel; from then on, she began her journey of transformation into a vibrant new dog! She resumed eating normally and started to regain a healthy weight. Within weeks, Angel was virtually unrecognizable from her former self.

With the support of medical staff and a dedicated community rallying behind her, Angel received the miracle she so desperately needed. Annie Hart, RFTH’s founder, and her team were overjoyed to witness this remarkable girl’s revival.

Angel in A New Home

Months after Angel was saved, Annie and her team discovered that the woman who claimed to have “found” Angel was, in fact, her abuser. Animal control officials raided the woman’s residence and uncovered a home filled with starving dogs. She was subsequently arrested in Corona, California.

After completing her recovery, Angel found a wonderful family and a loving home. RFTH was thrilled to see her flourish among those who truly cared for her.

“She’s a genuine miracle and proof of what we can achieve when we collaborate,” the RFTH team stated.

She even found a furry companion named Beasley. The two have become inseparable, not knowing life apart from each other.

“Angel and Beasley share an incredible bond and are completely smitten with one another. You can’t take one out without the other! Together, they are experts at performing zoomies,” her rescuers comment.

From a malnourished dog with almost no chance of survival, Angel has transformed into a vibrant dog, embracing life to the fullest!

Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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