Joe Dunn, an avid explorer and hiker, undertook one of his frequent adventures in the Florida wilderness. While navigating the Withlacoochee State Forest, he was startled by howling sounds that escalated to barking as he ventured deeper into the woods.
Upon locating the source of the barking near a cave, Dunn peered inside and was disheartened to find a frightened pup stranded at the bottom of a 20-foot-deep cave. The moment the dog saw him, she began wagging her tail, her eyes sparkling with hope of escape from the dark, frightening place.
The Dog Is Happy To See A Friendly Face

Despite lacking the proper equipment for a rescue, Dunn tried to help by angling a tree stump to aid the dog in climbing out, but she was unable to escape. He shared his food with her, not wanting to leave her behind, but recognizing the approaching storm and his inability to call for help due to lack of cell reception. Determined to return with the necessary gear, he left the area with a heavy heart.
A Rescue Mission

Once home, Dunn quickly reached out on Facebook for assistance, gathering a group of friends and fellow adventurers who were eager to join the rescue mission. The following morning, equipped with ropes and gear, they headed to the forest. Upon nearing the cave, they were relieved to hear the dog barking, a sign that she was still alive and well, and the pup’s tail wagged vigorously as she observed them from her dark confines. The volunteers comforted her, assuring her that rescue was at hand.
They secured ropes to nearby trees and one brave volunteer rappelled into the cave to reach the dog. As he touched down, the pup excitedly dashed into his arms, showering him with grateful licks. Quickly, they secured a harness around her and began the arduous task of rescuing her from the cave.
Happy To Be Saved

As she was pulled from the cave, the pup trembled with fear, but an overwhelming sense of relief washed over her once she touched the ground. Gratitude filled her eyes as she gazed up at her rescuers, and soon her excitement bubbled over.
“The dog was so happy. She just rolled around on the grass, wanting her belly rubbed. She was the happiest animal I’ve ever seen,” Dunn remarked.
The team celebrated the pup’s safety and examined her; although underweight, she appeared uninjured—a clue that she had spent significant time trapped without sustenance. They quickly provided her with food, which she eagerly devoured.
Fortunately, the dog had a collar featuring her name and her owner’s contact number, allowing the rescuer to reach out immediately. Her owner, anxiously searching for his beloved pet for three weeks, was elated and grateful to hear that his dog was safe after losing hope in finding her again.
Reunion With Her Dad

That same day, Sally, the pup, was joyously reunited with her dad. Upon seeing him, she rushed into his arms, licking his face, both overwhelmed with happiness at their reunion. After expressing gratitude to Dunn and the volunteers for rescuing his beloved girl, he took her home, where Sally relished the warmth of being with her loving family once again.
We’re thrilled that Sally was rescued and reunited with her family, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to Joe Dunn and the dedicated volunteers. They truly embody the spirit of heroism.