It’s often said that a dog is a man’s best friend, and the bond between a dog and its owner is among the strongest in the world. The indescribable pain that accompanies the sudden loss of that bond is something no one wants to experience. This is precisely what a couple faced when they lost their beloved Husky one day. Desperately searching for him led them to suspect the worst.
Determined to locate their pet, the couple decided to use a drone, which ultimately restored their smiles when they spotted their dog on the monitor. However, their joy quickly turned to shock and disbelief as they observed the scene captured by the drone.
In Good Company

A video shared on Instagram by user @sailorjerrithedogtrainer from Oklahoma reveals why the pet parents’ joy turned to disbelief upon examining the monitor.
“Owners were using a drone to find their missing husky. He was chillin’ with wild bears,” wrote the Instagram user who shared the video.
Indeed, this adventurous pup had opted to hang out with none other than a pack of large wild bears. While many may find it endearing to see different animal species together, the presence of bears changes the context significantly. Although not all bears are aggressive, seeing three wild bears near your cherished pet can be quite alarming. To make matters worse, the video captures several moments that nearly escalate into conflict between the dog and one of the bears.

Fortunately, by the end of the footage, the bears can be seen enduring the Husky’s presence, albeit visibly irritated. Although the tension remains throughout, this aspect still adds a humorous and cute touch to the video, at least for viewers who are not emotionally invested.
Hilarious Comments
The video garnered significant attention on Instagram—not surprising, as one rarely sees a Husky choosing to hang out with bears. The array of reactions ranged from amusing to outright hilarious; here are some highlights:
“You just know this husky has major Donkey from Shrek vibes,” remarked one user.
“Ask your mom if I can sleep over!😂” joked another.
Another chimed in: “Bears are like HIS FUR IS ON EVERYTHING.”
While we don’t know how the pup’s parents managed to retrieve him, it’s clear that this Husky captured the hearts of many, exemplifying that animals transcend boundaries when it comes to friendship. We can conclude that the bears demonstrated remarkable restraint by not causing any serious harm to him! 😂