Some dogs have a knack for digging up the whole yard. Others like to sneak around the house to stash their treats. While some cozy up under the sofa for their hideout, Rocky is different…
Rocky isn’t particularly enthusiastic about food or treats. He’s quite discerning when it comes to food and isn’t easily motivated by snacks.
If Rocky isn’t feeling hungry but still receives a treat, he tends to hide it. However, Rocky shuns the typical hiding spots. His choice of concealment is rather unusual.
Out of all the possible hiding places around the house and the various nooks in the yard, Rocky opted for the most obvious location to stash his bones, even though it’s not ideal for hiding them.
So, where did Rocky decide to conceal his bone? Is it truly THAT obvious?
The Worst Place For Hiding Treats, Ever

Rocky is a young Dachshund puppy. If you’re familiar with dog breeds, you’ll recognize the strong prey drive typical for this breed. Originally bred for hunting, their instincts for survival prevail.
Centuries may have passed since Dachshunds were first bred, yet Rocky exemplifies this enduring prey drive.
Based in Florida, this mini Dachshund was adopted while still a young pup by Michelle Vachs and her fiancé. They delighted in the thought of having a dog and instantly fell for Rocky, the sweetest Doxie.
“After researching various dog breeds, we settled on a miniature dachshund. We searched online for reputable breeders and found one in California. We immediately fell in love with his picture,” Michelle shared with Newsweek.
Michelle remarked that life alongside Rocky has been wonderful. He embodies the playful spirit of a puppy, enjoying games like fetch, digging, and snuggling. Rocky is quite the velcro dog, never wanting to be apart from his humans.
Nonetheless, Rocky is also the world’s most ineffective treat hider, as he often conceals his goodies in the most peculiar place: underneath the blanket he lies on!
“Rocky is really selective about what he eats and only does so when he’s actually hungry. At first, we had to adjust to this, but now that we understand his preferences and hunger schedule, it’s no longer a problem… He wanted to keep the bone for later, safeguarding it from us,” concluded Michelle.
And how do we know all of this? By tuning into a TikTok video Michelle shared showcasing Rocky’s amusing bone-hiding antics.
Rocky believed that safeguarding his bone for later was a brilliant idea, choosing the blanket as his secret stash. Surely, no one would find it, not even by scent, right Rocky?
Sometimes, the most obvious spots are where we look last. If Rocky’s owner, Michelle, were on a hunt for the bone, the blanket would likely be the final place she’d think to check.

Next time, Rocky, you might as well leave it on the bed. They’ll likely just overlook it completely!
While Rocky takes pleasure in bones, it’s crucial to exercise caution when giving bones to your dog. Chicken bones, for instance, should be avoided as they splinter easily and pose a risk during digestion.
According to Advanced Care Animal Clinic, some bones can be safe for dogs, but they aren’t a necessity. They might provide minerals and promote saliva production, but the potential dangers are far more significant.
Risks include broken teeth, throat punctures, cuts, constipated bowels, and choking. There are much healthier options available as treats.
It’s fortunate that Rocky is a picky eater, always stashing his bony rewards when he’s not feeling hungry.
Rocky, The Miniature Dachshund, Wins The Internet

They consistently promise us a daily dose of adorable and quirky Doxie content, and they certainly come through!
Rocky and his pawrents have an Instagram account where followers can get to know Rocky more intimately. There, you can find delightful videos and daily updates to keep you in the loop.
Thanks to social media, Michelle and Rocky share insights on travel. Did you know Rocky has a globe-trotting streak? He’s traveled back and forth across the pond and is quite accustomed to flying.
This little Doxie is such a laid-back pup who enjoys everything his parents offer him.
Well, almost everything—except for that bone hidden beneath his favorite grey blanket.