Archie Bean’s alarming incident left the entire community stunned. At just 12 weeks old and weighing 5 pounds, this Pekingese puppy inadvertently slipped through an uncovered vent in his Douglas County, Colorado home and became trapped inside for three long hours. His owner, Monique, made desperate attempts to locate him, ultimately reaching out to South Metro Fire Rescue for help.
3-Hour Agony
Upon Monique’s call for assistance, first responders, including teams from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Plumbline Services, arrived quickly and began the complicated rescue efforts. Unfortunately, they discovered that Archie had fallen through a three-story hole into the ductwork. Monique recalled how Archie jumped off her son’s bed, leading directly to his predicament, as her son witnessed the moment but couldn’t reach him due to the hazardous nails and debris.
The rescuers could only hear Archie’s despairing whimpers reverberating through the walls. Monique expressed her anxiety, stating, “Every time I hear him cry, it seems to come from the vent closest to me, making it impossible to determine his exact location.”
To locate Archie, the rescuers had to use a small camera to navigate through the ductwork, prompting them to cut several holes in the walls for better access. Just when they were about to lose hope after hours of searching, they spotted two fearful eyes looking at the camera. Archie was found, hiding in the basement’s HVAC system.
Finally Safe And Reunited With His Family
The team rushed to the basement and carefully extracted Archie from the ductwork. One of the rescuers gently cradled him and returned him to Monique, who was overwhelmed with emotion. Though confused and shaken, Archie emerged unscathed, with no cuts or scratches. Monique expressed immense relief, stating, “That is a prayer answered… He went from the third floor down to the basement and he doesn’t have a cut on him.”
Following their heartwarming reunion, Monique offered heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated rescuers who worked tirelessly to save her beloved dog. Despite the rescue’s complexities and moments when it seemed like a lost cause, it was their compassion that led to a successful outcome.
“As Archie happily reunites with his grateful owners, the community celebrates a tale of compassion and resilience in the face of adversity,” SMFR noted in a Facebook statement.

Archie is now safe with his family, cuddling up with his dog siblings. Despite the frightening ordeal he went through, he is set to enjoy a happy life surrounded by his loved ones in Colorado. From now on, let’s hope this adorable Pekingese puppy stays out of trouble!