Most of us don’t anticipate taking significant action while enjoying our morning coffee. However, one elderly man defied those odds when he spotted an unusual movement on the edge of a cliff. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was a little dog in desperate need of assistance. He promptly reached out to the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region (HSPPR) in Colorado, explaining the situation and requesting urgent help for the poor pup.
Help Is On The Way
When Officers Barker and Johnson reached the scene, they found the dog so far away that binoculars were necessary to spot her. Officer Barker humorously recalled, “He [the elderly man] was funny because I couldn’t see her without my binoculars, and he said he knew the ‘dot’ was an animal because he’s never seen that dot there before.” Using the binoculars, they confirmed the presence of the dog stuck on a small ledge, perilously hanging over a 50-yard drop into the creek. Without hesitation, they took immediate action.
Rescue Mission
They weren’t sure how long the dog had been stranded, so it was crucial to act swiftly. Fortunately, a nearby resident provided a mountaineering harness and rappelling rope, which became invaluable. Officer Barker secured herself to a sturdy wooden fencepost and carefully descended towards the dog. As soon as the dog spotted her, she began wagging her tail and making her way towards Officer Barker. However, the shifting dirt beneath her made it challenging, causing her to struggle.
The dirt kept sliding out from under her, but she kept trying. When I was down on the cliffside with her, she tried crawling towards me again. When I finally got to her, she kept licking my hands and face.
Officer Johnson then lowered a catchpole, enabling Officer Barker to carefully secure it around the dog’s neck and shoulders. Ensuring the dog’s safety was paramount, Officer Barker made provisions to safeguard her even if the ground continued to give way. Once the dog was securely in her hands, Officer Johnson lowered another rope attached to a makeshift harness for added safety. After securing everything, Officer Johnson cautiously pulled both Officer Barker and the dog back to safe ground.
Found Dog
They promptly took the dog to the shelter, where checkups revealed a tag and a microchip. This identification enabled them to discover the dog’s name, Jessie Lee, and her owner’s contact information. The HSPPR quickly reached out to the owners with the fantastic news. During the conversation, the family revealed that Jessie Lee had been missing for two weeks and that the cliff was only a few blocks away from home.
The family was ecstatic to learn that their beloved Jessie Lee had been found. They prepared to visit the Colorado rescue first thing the next morning to bring their family member back home.
Final Word
This story highlights the importance of microchipping your dog. Although Jessie Lee had a tag, finding her family would have required significant effort without the microchip, which made the process swift and efficient.