The role of a real estate agent revolves around assisting individuals in finding their ideal home and living space. This is the daily endeavor of a realtor based in Sonoma County, California, known as Jake Denniston.
Not only does he help people secure their living arrangements, but he also has a commendable track record of rescuing lost animals.
This was clearly demonstrated one day when he and his son stumbled upon a tiny creature in a Sebastopol playground. They immediately sprang into action to ensure the animal’s safety.
It Was A Scared Baby

On their outing, Jake’s son, Aonyx, spotted a small, fuzzy lump resting on a cement pathway close to the playground.
“We couldn’t identify it as we approached,” Denniston recounted to The Dodo.
As they carefully inched closer, they discovered it was a baby possum.

Seeing such an adorable animal melted their hearts, but they quickly realized that the situation wasn’t ideal.
“After observing him for a few minutes, it became evident that he was too small to be on his own, prompting us to call local wildlife rescue,” Jake shared in his post on Instagram.
Upon sending a photo of the possum to Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue, they concurred that it was unsafe for the little one to be alone, away from his mother.
Baby possums are known to be particularly attached to their mothers, making this little one’s situation quite concerning.
Taking immediate action, Jake and Aonyx got to work. Lacking a suitable container for transport, they found an empty bag and some discarded clothing to provide comfort. Carefully, Denniston lifted the baby possum and placed it in the bag.

This little possum was now headed to a safe haven.
Dad And Son Were The Heroes
Inside the bag, the possum began to feel secure, slowly starting to open his eyes. As they traveled to Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue, Jake and Aonyx couldn’t help but admire the little creature.
“I believe he sensed that we had good intentions,” Denniston commented for The Dodo.

Upon arriving at the rescue center, the possum received the necessary food and care. Almost immediately, it was clear that the little one would be okay and would soon return to his rightful home… the wild.
Although Aonyx felt saddened to say “goodbye” to his newfound friend, he also felt immense pride for both himself and his dad. They had become heroes that day, and Aonyx discovered a calling in animal rescue.
“Aonyx is officially an animal rescuer now,” Jake shared on his Instagram profile. “What an adventure it has been!”