While driving through Elloree, South Carolina, a couple noticed a snake crossing the road and immediately slowed down. Out of the corner of their eyes, they spotted ears above the grass on the roadside. The couple screeched to a halt and raced to help the creature, approaching to discover a motionless puppy that seemed to have given up hope.
The puppy was in desperate condition, completely hairless and covered in mange, with an emaciated body that resembled stone. He required immediate medical care.
Saving The Puppy’s Life
The couple took the puppy to Orangeburg County Animal Control and Shelter. The shelter was overcrowded, prompting them to plea for help on Facebook, seeking a rescue organization to take him in. He was gravely ill and lacked the strength to walk.
Fortunately, Labor of Love Transport Rescue intervened, offering to take him into their care. A volunteer rushed to pick him up, but just five minutes from home, a sudden thunderstorm erupted. Once at the rescue in Greenville, South Carolina, the staff named him Baby Thunder.

The staff took Baby Thunder to a hospital where he was diagnosed with a critical case of mange. His condition was so dire that they were uncertain about his survival. Thankfully, after receiving treatment, the doctors fought for his life and managed to stabilize him.
Journey To Recovery

His foster family took him home, providing care and encouragement for his recovery. Luckily, Baby Thunder proved to be a warrior, fighting for his life.

During the initial week in his foster home, Baby Thunder slept extensively while his family fed him every four hours and administered medicated baths. He was too weak to walk and crawled most of the time. A fellow dog, Westie, began playing with him, noticing he needed companionship, despite the pup’s initial fear and confusion.

After two weeks, Baby Thunder showed signs of improvement, his skin condition began to clear up, and he continued to thrive. He started walking more frequently, and two months post-rescue, beautiful fur began to grow back on his body. Baby Thunder and Westie became inseparable best friends.
A Loving Family That He Deserved

Once fully healthy and with a lush coat, Baby Thunder was ready to find his forever home. A loving family fell in love with him, providing the nurturing environment he had always dreamed of. Initially timid, Baby Thunder would hide in the bushes during walks, but over time, he realized his new family adored him and began to come out of his shell.

Gradually, his joyful personality emerged, bringing immense happiness to his family. Baby Thunder now lives life to the fullest, relishing adventures and snuggling with his loving humans and his doggy sisters, Kala and Koda.