Abandoned Dog Found at California Mall Stuns Everyone with His Test Results


The sight of countless animals wandering the streets truly breaks my heart. Yet, I am reassured by the presence of compassionate individuals who dedicate their time to helping these animals, instilling a sense of hope in me.

When a pup was abandoned at a local mall, he faced unimaginable suffering. Some people showed extreme cruelty, even hitting him with their car. Fortunately, a kind worker recognized the pain in his eyes and began bringing him delicious snacks. Over time, the worker realized that the pup required professional assistance, prompting them to call in the experts.

A Much Needed Rescue Mission

dog laying in grass
Source: Suzette Hall

As the pup limped around the mall’s parking lot, lying beneath a tree for rest, he remained unaware of the miraculous turn his fate was about to take. Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy, a rescue organization in Irvine, California, was on her way with some reinforcements! Upon seeing the distressed pup, her heart shattered. All the pain he had endured was visible on his sad face. All he longed for was some food and a cozy place to rest his weary head. He was about to receive just that.

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To avoid frightening him away, Hall and her fellow rescuers set a trap, patiently waiting for the pup to enter on his own. And, he did! When he spotted the rescuers approaching, he wagged his tail in excitement, finally knowing he was safe. The Californian rescuer swiftly placed him in her car and rushed him to the vet for a comprehensive medical examination.

cute dog in car
Source: Suzette Hall

The Beginning Of A New Chapter

After examination, the veterinarians confirmed that the pup, now named Bruiser, had a broken pelvis requiring surgical intervention. He stayed at the vet’s office, receiving necessary medical care and pain relief. Despite the circumstances, Bruiser proved to be one of the sweetest dogs, eagerly showering his new humans with affection.

“It always amazes me how scared they are on the streets and then how thankful they are after they know they were rescued,” Hall shared in a Facebook post.

As Bruiser awaited surgery, expected to involve inserting a plate in his pelvis, he was surrounded by supportive company, indulging in fun and delicious food. As days passed, an incredible transformation occurred; Bruiser began healing on his own! No longer in need of the costly surgery, all he required was time and ample rest. This is the power of love and commitment for a pup!

very cute black dog
Source: Suzette Hall

“Bruiser will be on cage rest with his amazing foster mom. His hip fractures are in line to heal on their own,” Hall shared in an update.

With his remarkable foster mom by his side, I am confident that this lovely boy will heal swiftly. I eagerly await the day when Bruiser can run freely, enjoying life to the fullest with his forever family. He truly deserves the world!

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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