A Compassionate Soul Rescues a Hairless Puppy Coated in Mysterious Paint


To thrive both physically and emotionally, every puppy must feel unconditionally loved and cared for. Our cherished fur babies rely on us to be their constant companions, providing cuddles and a secure environment.

Meet Prince, an adorable three-month-old puppy who longed for the same sense of safety and affection from his owners.

Unfortunately, this precious pup had experienced neglect throughout his life, and his humans did not fulfill their responsibility to him.

When he fell ill, instead of helping him, his owners abandoned him at a high-kill shelter in Fresno, California.

Stricken with mange and dealing with infections, he lay despondently in his kennel, yearning for someone to believe in him and provide the care he so desperately needed.

The Puppy Needs His Hero

In April 2018, Neda Saghafi, the founder of Simba’s Paw Dog Rescue, came across a Facebook post about this little fur baby.

Upon reading his heartbreaking story and seeing a photo depicting his sorrowful expression, her heart ached. Saghafi made the decision to foster him.

The puppy came covered in mange and what appeared to be paint.

“Initially, I wondered if it was spray paint, possibly from kids. Also, there’s a practice where puppies are sprayed with colors when used as bait dogs, so that crossed my mind,” Saghafi recounted to The Dodo.

Saghafi went to the shelter to rescue Prince. Upon their first meeting, looking into his big, sad green eyes, she was instantly captivated. The pup seemed both confused and terrified.

Saghafi was determined to transform him back into the joyful puppy he was meant to be. She named him Prince.

The Precious Pup Gets The Care He Needed

She brought him to the vet for a comprehensive examination.

The vet suggested that the strange paint may have been an outdated treatment used for infections in livestock.

However, it struck Saghafi as odd that only random sections of Prince’s body had been painted, with a distinct cross marking his forehead.

The Best Foster Home

Saghafi took Prince into her home, eager to see him regain his health and happiness.

“He suffered from demodex mange and a secondary skin infection. His body was covered in scabs… Touching him felt akin to caressing a lizard or snake. He was one of the worst cases I had ever encountered in terms of mange, and I’ve rescued a fair share of needy puppies,” Saghafi added.

The unusual purple dye was challenging to remove, but Saghafi knew that it would fade as his fur grew back.

She lavished Prince with affection and care, filling the void he had suffered from throughout his life. She couldn’t help but become smitten with the little guy, often affectionately referring to him as Chicken Nugget.

Slowly but surely, Prince started to heal, shedding his fears. Saghafi delighted in witnessing his transformation from a scared pup into a cheerful, healthy boy.

Prince adored snuggling with his foster mom. Whenever she held him, his puppy kisses filled her with joy.

In June 2018, Saghafi was informed about another puppy found in the same vicinity as Prince.

This new fur baby was deaf and also had mange. Upon seeing her, Saghafi was convinced she could be Prince’s sister. She felt an immediate connection.

A kind family was taking care of her, but she resided in a boarding facility. Saghafi reached out to offer her a foster home.

After bringing the pup, named Cleo, into her home, Prince and his sister were joyfully reunited. The siblings shared a wonderful bond.

They delighted in playing together daily. Since Cleo was deaf, she closely followed Prince everywhere he went.

After both pups made a complete recovery, the time arrived for them to find their forever families.

A Happy Ending

Saghafi felt a deep affection for Prince and wanted him to be part of her family forever, but she recognized the importance of fostering other dogs in need. She was confident that Prince would discover his ideal forever home.

And that’s precisely what happened. Both Prince and Cleo were adopted into wonderful families committed to loving them unconditionally.

Both pups were ecstatic to finally get their happily-ever-after.

Prince now maintains his own Instagram, where he shares delightful updates about his life in California. This charming pooch enjoys snuggling with his family, who ensure he always feels safe and adored.

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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