Imagine a strong breed like the Rottweiler, known for its strength and loyalty, being scared of a tiny puppy no larger than its head. As ridiculous as it may seem, one particular Rottweiler named Dozer was so afraid of his new sister Lily, a French bulldog, that he wouldn’t even get off the couch! However, once he realized she just wanted to play, their connection blossomed into a relationship that continues to grow. This endearing story is not only heartwarming but also laugh-out-loud funny.
At First, The Couch Was His Safe Place

Dozer got along exceptionally well with his sibling, Lilah, creating a harmonious environment until their mother, Kimberly Ward, introduced a new family member into their Claremore, Oklahoma home. This new addition, a little Frenchie named Daisy, completely unsettled the Rottweilers, particularly Dozer, who felt threatened and didn’t know how to respond. Kimberly shared, “The first couple of days, he was kind of scared of her. She was so tiny and outgoing… But he didn’t know that he could be a puppy.”