Heroic Rescuer Travels from California to Oregon to Save Puppy Trapped in Well for Three Days


The lengths that a rescuer will go to save an animal in need are truly remarkable. Whether faced with rain, snow, or scorching heat, they tirelessly strive to keep their furry friends safe and comfortable. If you’re yet to hear an inspiring story, let me share one that perfectly illustrates the dedication of animal lovers making the world a better place!

No Mountain High, No Valley Low

Source: Hope For Paws

Hope For Paws, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, has been rescuing dogs across the U.S. for nearly two decades. This Los Angeles-based group has dedicated itself to saving dogs and giving them a second chance at life. So, when they learned about a pup 1,300 miles away who needed help after being stranded at the bottom of a well for three days, they quickly packed their gear, jumped in their car, and hit the road.

stranded puppy
Source: Hope For Paws

Emergency responders had struggled for days to rescue this puppy, but to no avail. Upon arrival, the rescuer greeted the puppy, but after hearing nothing, he feared he was too late. Quickly, he used a camera to get a better look from the top of the well and, after lowering it 60 ft, he was relieved to find the puppy alive and breathing. The only challenge left was figuring out how to get him out.

footage of the removal of stone from the well
Source: Hope For Paws

No Challenge Too Hard For This Rescuer

Fortunately, the rescuer ingeniously attached a leash to a long rope, which allowed him to secure the leash around the puppy’s body once positioned correctly. However, lifting him from the well proved more challenging than anticipated, as the poor pup kept his head down, preventing the leash from fitting.

Thinking quickly, the rescuer placed some food on the leash, knowing the starving puppy would lick it, allowing the leash to slide on.

rescued little dog from the well
Source: Hope For Paws

Despite these efforts, it took three-and-a-half hours to rescue the little pup, but he succeeded! Bringing him to the surface with minimal injuries was nothing short of a miracle, and the first thing the rescuer did was deliver a heartfelt cuddle. Naming him Wellington, he rushed the puppy to the Pet Medical Center of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a thorough medical assessment and some rest before heading back to Los Angeles.

beautiful white dog in a man's arms
Source: Hope For Paws

Happily Ever After

Thankfully, Wellington’s story concludes beautifully. Not only is he safe and sound, but he also found a loving forever home that adores him. Every day, they shower their incredible boy with hugs and kisses, reinforcing the importance of his life, as well as the lives of all animals.

I want to express deep gratitude to every rescuer out there for your unwavering dedication and hard work. You truly make the world a better place.

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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