Puppies Left to Suffer in Freezing Texas Weather Find Comfort in Each Other


Thinking about puppies brings forth images of playfulness and joy, devoid of any worries. With their gentle demeanor, these lovable creatures deserve all the good life can offer. Sadly, this is not always the case, as there are instances where adorable puppies are treated as if they were monsters. Each time I encounter such stories, my heart breaks.

Poor Babies

Recently, a Good Samaritan from Sealy, Texas, was out for a walk and made a heartbreaking discovery: three tiny puppies had been abandoned in front of an apartment complex. With temperatures plummeting, the puppies were left vulnerable and shivering in the cold.

Unable to take them into their home, the Good Samaritan shared their plight on a local Facebook group and temporarily moved them to a vacant storage unit to keep them warm, covering them in all the blankets available. This kindness saved the puppies’ lives!

After the Facebook post gained attention, a user reached out to the Sauver Des Chiens German Shepherd rescue (SDC), aware of their commitment to help these puppies. Since immediate help was not available, she traveled to the complex herself to rescue the pups and bring them to her warm home.

New Beginning

Upon their arrival, the puppies were warmly welcomed. “Her children quickly fell in love with the puppies and made it their mission to take care of them,” said Kylie Jackson, a board member of SDC, in an interview with The Dodo. Luckily, the seven-week-old puppies were healthy aside from a flea infestation, but a simple flea bath resolved that issue.

The children joyfully named the puppies; the first two were named Artemis and Hephaestus, while the “goofy runt” was dubbed Squirt. These puppies spent a few days with the loving family, experiencing love and affection for the first time. Ultimately, they were moved to a long-term foster home to continue their recovery.

Currently, the playful puppies are thriving with their new foster mom, Taite, and are enjoying life to the fullest.

“They are settling into their foster home, staying warm, and getting tons of rest and playtime,” reported SDC on Facebook. The puppies still have some growing to do and require vet appointments and vaccinations, but once completed, they will be ready for adoption!

The three puppies are sure to be an incredible addition to any family. All they know is love and kindness, and they’re eager to share it. “They love to play and quickly took to their favorite toy, a stuffed octopus,” Jackson added. Witnessing their incredible journey, I have no doubt that these sweet little angels will soon find the perfect family with whom they can experience all the joys life has to offer. Good luck to them; they’ve got this!

Ron Joseph
Ron Josephhttps://doggydiary.net
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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