Veterinarian Recommends Euthanasia for Maryland Dog, But an Incredible Turn of Events Occurs


When a dog enters your life, they quickly capture your heart, making it hard to envision a world without them, particularly after many years of companionship. Unfortunately, the bond shared must one day confront the inevitable reality that dogs, like all living beings, will eventually pass away.

This painful truth confronted two owners in Baltimore, Maryland, when their beloved 17-year-old dog fell ill. The visit to the veterinarian brought heartbreaking news that shifted their reality indefinitely.

Truly A Miracle

Toy Poodle mix, Luna, was adopted seven years ago by Dr. Melo-Jean Yap and Taina Brown from Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah. Throughout the years, they experienced life’s highs and lows together, and the thought of losing her was unbearable. Tragically, Luna’s health declined; she stopped eating, could no longer stand, and seemed to be deteriorating rapidly.

Upon arriving at the veterinary clinic, their hearts sank when the veterinarian recommended euthanasia for Luna due to her fragile state. Reluctantly, they agreed, not wanting to prolong her suffering.

In a surprising turn of events, just as they were bracing for heartbreak, Luna leaped from their arms and began walking normally. This unexpected behavior coincided with her suddenly eating her favorite meal, shocking not only her owners but the vets as well, filling them with immense joy.

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“She wasn’t eating or getting up, so they recommended euthanasia. But here she is, and she told us ‘not today’,” wrote Luna’s parents on their heartwarming video.

The Happiest Update

In the caption of the previous video, Luna’s parents expressed their relief that she is still with them, although they acknowledged the impending heartache as Luna’s condition remains precarious. They continue to cherish every moment and keep a watchful eye on her, while Instagram users eagerly awaited updates on her health.

To everyone’s joy, Luna’s health began to improve, as conveyed in a subsequent video from her parents.

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“Thanks, y’all for all the 💗 ♥️ for Luna’s healing & recovery over the weekend!” they shared. They noted that her furry sister Foxy was especially excited to have her back home, ready to play together again. “They’re both currently at their regular @banfieldpethospital vet for a follow-up check-up. As seniors, we try to get on top of our health. Prevention is 🔑. We love y’all! 💕💕” they expressed.

We share their love and are hopeful that they can create many more joyful memories together with their cherished dogs.

Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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