California Dog Owner Encounters a Shocking Furball and Springs into Action


Dogs are known for their natural curiosity and love for picking things up with their mouths. This tendency can get them into amusing situations, especially when they take interest in items like your favorite shoes or toys. However, convincing them to release what they’ve picked up can be quite a challenge.

What Does He Have In His Mouth?

legs detangling from dogs mouth
Source: Instagram

While relaxing on the porch, a dog owner decided to let her pup enjoy some sunshine in the yard. After a while, she noticed that her dog had something in its mouth. Upon closer inspection, she saw a pair of feet dangling from her pup’s mouth. She instructed her pup to drop it, but the California-based dog didn’t seem to listen.

“Bad boy! Drop it!” the owner shouted in an Instagram video. As much as dogs dislike hearing commands like these, this one remained stubbornly seated on the porch, refusing to open his mouth.

Plan B

It seemed that this pup was so fond of his new furry friend that no amount of pleading from the owner could persuade him to drop it. “I’m never letting you out into the yard again. Put it down. Drop it! You are being a bad boy! Drop it,” she exclaimed. Then, she thought of a solution she knew he couldn’t resist – offering him a treat as a trade! Just like that, the handsome dog figured out it was time to go back to the yard and dropped his furry friend.

tiny bunny
Source: Instagram

The woman then discovered that her pup had been toying with a little bunny! Fortunately, the tiny creature was unharmed, and she carefully picked it up and returned it to its nest. “He curled back in there, so I think he is okay. Sorry, friend! I am so sorry!” she said.

little bunnies on the grass
Source: Instagram

The little bunny was safely back with its family and could now enjoy a well-deserved nap. As for the pup, I hope he genuinely got that treat! He meant no harm; he simply wanted to play with his new friend. In the end, all’s well that ends well!

Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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