Driver Stunned as Family Rushes from Orchard, Pleading for Help


While driving through an orchard in Fresno, California, a Good Samaritan encountered a heartbreaking sight—an abandoned dog by the roadside, seemingly in need of help. Upon approaching, he discovered she was protecting seven little puppies. Wanting to rescue them all but realizing the mother dog was frightened and suspicious, he decided to contact a local rescue for assistance.

Winning The Mother’s Trust

The man reached out to Helga Weiss, president of Paw Squad 559 and co-founder of California Spay and Neuter, to report the situation. Weiss agreed to help and planned to collect the family the next morning. Before leaving, he generously left food and water for the mother and her puppies, marking their location. That night, Weiss reflected on the brave mother protecting her babies from harm, feeling a profound concern for their wellbeing.

“[A]ll I could think about was the puppies and the poor mom trying to defend her children,” she shared with The Dodo.

The following morning, Weiss hurried to the dogs’ location. Upon arrival, she was heartbroken to see them abandoned and started speaking gently to them. The dogs seemed to sense her goodwill and began to approach her, their tails wagging in hope. However, the mother dog, later named Mother Goose, was initially very protective and barked fiercely to keep Weiss away.

Fortunately, Weiss learned from a ranch worker that he had been feeding the family for several days, preventing them from starving. He also revealed that Mother Goose had eight puppies, although tragically, one had fallen victim to a coyote. Understandably, Weiss empathized with Mother Goose’s wariness.

Mother Goose And Babies Feel Relieved

In an effort to gain Mother Goose’s trust, Weiss sat beside her and began feeding her sausages. After a patient two and a half hours, the mother dog finally understood that Weiss was there to help. Mother Goose allowed Weiss to pick her and her puppies up and place them in her car.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Weiss cried as she cuddled the affectionate dog. When Mother Goose noticed the tears flowing down Weiss’s face, she sweetly kissed them away. “As soon as I picked her up and loaded her into my car, she actually started licking the tears off my face. It was adorable,” Weiss recounted.

Thriving In A Foster Home

Save-A-Mutt, a rescue organization in Stanwood, Washington, took in the dog family and placed them in a caring foster home. Shortly after their arrival, their foster mom, Christie West, noticed health issues with the puppies and promptly took them to the vet.

The puppies were diagnosed with parvo, a highly contagious virus that can be life-threatening. Thanks to Save-A-Mutt’s funding, they received a new treatment. Once they started to recover, they returned to their foster home where West provided them with around-the-clock care. Gratefully, the puppies began to thrive, and they were lovingly named Itsy Bitsy, Star Light, Little Bo Peep, Twinkle Twinkle, Humpty Dumpty, Peter Piper, and Miss Muffet. Now healthy, they enjoy their puppyhood.

In four weeks, the puppies will be relocated to Save-A-Mutt in Washington, where they will begin their search for forever homes. Until then, their foster mom will continue to shower them with affection. Thanks to the kindness of caring individuals, Mother Goose and her puppies are on the path to a new life filled with love.

Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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