The role of an animal rescuer isn’t just a job; it’s a mission fueled by a commitment to saving lives, even in the face of challenges. The team at Jacksonville ACPS in Florida understood this well. So when they received a distress call about a Pitbull stranded on the Myrtle Avenue bridge, they quickly moved into action. However, the rescue proved to be quite difficult!
She Was Inches Away From The Inevitable

A group of officers arriving at the scene quickly recognized the gravity of the situation. The dog had been perched on the brink for twelve hours, just inches away from a drop. The only way to save her was to place a leash around her neck and lift her using their bare hands, but they were uncertain how this frightened dog would respond.

Judging by her demeanor, the officers quickly realized she was not merely afraid; she was petrified of everything around her. The noise of passing cars and the gusting wind added to her distress. This led Officer Cooper and his colleagues to adopt a cautious approach.
“I had to take a few breaths. I knew this was a very dangerous situation. The wind was blowing the bridge, and you could feel the bumps of every car that passed by,” Kyle recounted to The Dodo.

The three officers cautiously called out to the pup and approached her slowly. To their astonishment, she didn’t move at all; she was frozen in fear, yet somehow aware that these strangers were there to help. Cooper gently placed a leash around her neck and added a muzzle for safety, while his colleague utilized a large catch pole. Ultimately, they successfully pulled her to safety, breathing a collective sigh of relief!
“The officers were able to rescue this terrified dog in an incredibly humane, gentle way, getting her to safety as quickly as possible,” Jacksonville ACPS shared on social media.

The pup, fondly named Myrtle after the bridge from which she was rescued, began her recovery journey. Though it took her some time to acclimate to her new surroundings, she eventually blossomed into the sweetest companion, full of life and personality, who craved affection. Myrtle would often roll onto her back, seeking belly rubs from her caregivers. Despite being diagnosed with heartworms, she showed remarkable resilience!
Myrtle Won The Hearts Of Her New Family

Myrtle’s kind nature and joyful spirit were quickly noticed. A family inquired about her adoption status, and before long, she found herself in a loving home with wonderful owners. In no time, she had captured their hearts, and they were committed to providing her with the necessary care and love, especially as she began her heartworm treatment.
Today, Myrtle is thriving, facing challenges with enthusiasm, and living in the home she always dreamed of.