Mother Dog and Her Pups Shivered in the Cold Shelter Corner—Until Help Arrived


While shelters are often far from perfect environments for dogs, many of our beloved companions end up living there for long stretches of their lives, often in harsh conditions.

Some shelters do have exceptional facilities and compassionate staff who provide love and care to every dog in their charge. Sadly, this doesn’t hold true for all shelters, and in some cases, dogs must survive in deplorable situations.

A compassionate woman saw this first-hand during a winter visit to a shelter. The heart-wrenching images she encountered moved her to take action, dedicating herself to improving their lives.

Rescue From The Shelter

mom dog and puppies
Source: Paws Show

Upon her arrival at the shelter, this remarkable woman was devastated to find a small family of dogs huddled together in a cold corner of the kennel. During the winter, the mother dog and her three puppies were shivering from the chill.

The mother felt disheartened and anxious, unable to safeguard her little ones from the cold or fulfill their needs for a joyful puppyhood.

Motivated by compassion, the woman swiftly decided to intervene. She scooped up the puppies and carried them to the awaiting car.

puppies being carried
Source: Paws Show

She then coaxed the mother dog into the car, and soon they were all en route to a safer environment.

Getting Better Every Day

Uncertain of their health status, the first stop for this canine family was a veterinary clinic. Upon arrival, the vet conducted a comprehensive evaluation with various medical tests.

puppies lying next to mom dog
Source: Paws Show

Fortunately, the tests revealed no significant health problems, aside from anaplasmosis. This tick-borne illness can be effectively treated between two to four weeks with straightforward medication.

Thus, they were quickly discharged from the vet, and the generous woman took them to her home. She provided them with everything they required—from a warm, cozy bed to food and fresh water.

dog and puppies lying
Source: Paws Show

Once they began to regain their strength, she bestowed names upon them. The mother dog was named Geumsoon, while her three puppies were given the names Circle, Red, and Green. At just one month old, their puppyhood adventure was just beginning.

Each day, the little ones grew stronger, showing their playful and lively spirits, all while eating heartily. The only challenge was that the mother still hesitated to eat in front of others.

hand petting the dog
Source: Paws Show

This reluctance likely stemmed from the trauma inflicted by negative experiences and her time in the shelter. Fortunately, with abundant affection from her rescuer, Geumsoon gradually healed her emotional scars.

In only a few weeks, she was significantly improved and finally enjoying a life filled with joy.

Happy Ending

photo of puppies
Source: Paws Show

Now that a significant amount of time has passed since the puppies were rescued from the shelter, they have blossomed into gorgeous young dogs. While they still attempted to nurse occasionally, Geumsoon no longer had any interest.

This was a clear indication that it was time for them to embark on a fresh start. The moment did not take long to arrive, as all three puppies swiftly found their forever homes and began new chapters in their lives.

mom dog standing on a mat
Source: Paws Show

Though the mother remained by herself, she was far from disheartened. She could finally dine in front of others, a testament that her emotional wounds had truly healed. Her rescuer was thrilled with this wonderful conclusion.

Having escaped the biting cold of an unwelcoming shelter, this little family would never shiver again. From this moment onward, they would enjoy warmth in their hearts, enriched by genuine love from those around them.

Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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