Watch Reactions to This ‘Uber Dog’ Enjoying Rides Around Colorado with His Owner


Having a dog is one of life’s greatest adventures; they transform our daily routines in countless ways. Regardless of their time with us, dogs have an uncanny ability to surprise and delight, often by simply wanting to be by our side. Some pups, like Kevin’s dog, follow their owners everywhere in the house, but Bowie has taken this bond to a whole new level.

Uber Dog

Bowie has become quite the celebrity dog in Colorado, often seen riding alongside his owner, Kevin. During these rides, Bowie meets excited people who adore him, making it a fulfilling experience for both. It’s no wonder some like to refer to him as the ‘uber dog,’ fitting given Kevin’s long hours as an Uber driver.

After adopting Bowie from a rescue in New Mexico, Kevin quickly recognized the pup’s struggle with separation anxiety. To ease this stress, he decided to bring Bowie along on his rides, and it proved to be a game changer. Bowie has never been anything but well-behaved; he charms everyone he meets, and Kevin often shares videos of their adventures on social media.

Internet Loves Bowie

beautiful dog in car
Source: @the_uber_dog

Online reactions have been overwhelmingly positive, with many people expressing their affection for Bowie. One comment noted, “The way the dog flings his head back when they open the door like alright who we got next.” Bowie seems to understand his role perfectly: looking adorable and charming the riders. Another user suggested a brilliant idea: “There should be an Uber service that takes random shelter dogs on the ride, allowing them to show their personality and hopefully get adopted!” This concept could genuinely benefit numerous dogs in need of homes.

woman playing with dog
Source: @the_uber_dog

Another insightful comment suggested, “The tips have to be way better after this ride than the normal ones.” I wouldn’t be surprised! All tips likely go towards Bowie’s well-earned treats after a long day of working with Kevin. It’s heartwarming to witness such positivity around Bowie. Kevin has mentioned that he hasn’t met anyone who doesn’t like dogs, highlighting the power these animals have in bringing people together, something Bowie exemplifies beautifully.

Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph
Ron Joseph is an emerging journalist passionate about all things canine. As a Junior Journalist at Doggy Diary, Ron covers everything from breed profiles to training tips with a fresh and engaging perspective. His dedication to quality reporting ensures dog lovers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest in the dog world.

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