It was an ordinary morning stroll. Nothing felt out of the ordinary, nor did it hint at the heart-wrenching events that were about to unfold. Just a casual walk as Newport Beach and the world began to awaken.
Dani observed that her dog was acting a bit odd. He seemed particularly fixated on a specific doorway and appeared to be sniffing something intently.
That’s when Dani discovered the source of her dog’s peculiar behavior.
At the entrance lay a blue box, but what could possibly be inside?
When Dani looked inside, she was not prepared for what she found…
Oliver’s Treat Box Of Memories

Upon opening the box, Dani found it brimming with delicious dog treats. Her dog’s reaction confirmed they smelled amazing. However, it wasn’t the treats that brought Dani to tears that morning while the world remained in slumber.
It was a photograph of a dog named Oliver, whose memory this box was honoring.
The good boy biscuit box served to preserve the memory of Oliver. Oliver was a lovable American Eskimo, and his photo keeps a watchful eye over the treat box, making sure every pup gets a delightful treat.

Dani’s dog clearly sensed something special about that box. Could it be that Oliver’s spirit was watching over his family and the box they had created for his furry friends?
I like to believe that’s the case.
But Oliver isn’t the sole guardian of the treat box. Dani keeps a watchful eye on it as well!
Since her dog visits the box every morning during their walk, Dani is committed to ensuring it’s always stocked for visiting pups.
After posting the video on her TikTok, which quickly went viral, Dani decided to launch a GoFundMe campaign.
The response was overwhelmingly positive!
Before long, Dani began receiving contributions to sustain the campaign. Nevertheless, even in the absence of donors, Dani and her furry friends from Newport Beach would always show up with extra treats for Oliver’s box.
This isn’t the first such box I’ve encountered. Recently, I’ve spotted them everywhere, and it’s a beautiful gesture to keep your beloved pets’ memories alive.
If you wish to perform a kind act and honor your pet’s memory, consider setting up a treat box. It’s inexpensive, and just think of how many dogs will benefit… The world truly needs more good boy/girl treat boxes!
Oliver’s box will continue to thrive thanks to Dani and her dog, who visit every morning to grab a treat and acknowledge Oliver’s photo.